Dairy of Mexican tireless software programmer

Magento2 Woocommerce Python, Unix, NodeJS

Dairy of Mexican tireless software programmer

marzo 13, 2019 Tales of Ultratumba 0
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just because you can’t see, or touch or not perceive it does’t means it not  exists.. but exist inside my brain and lots of brains since last century when the “intelligent man created first computer code line..”

Sergio Romo brain reflexions summer 2018

someone just had said that before ?  yes sure it is possible, who care, for me came once i m in this time deeply analyzing feels been a Programmer; certainly never i m lookging to following steps of new 21 century Columbus and certainly i will not discover any else around PHP hundred lines, i jfeel i can enhance it !

I just feel that i am a modest mortal playing this adventure from Mexico New milk-way lighting E commerce National Software stuffs; after those years i still handing this special sensation spending several hours Testing and learning PHP ZendFramerworks, Webservice Technologies, API-REST connections, SCO Unix Programming — ; To me those times all then are specials moments just under the fascination of the Unix Console Code i had lots of time the sensation walking shoulder by shoulder with the suprem, .. almost some like that, but then and now as experimented programmer connectivity and develop of E commerce and Business applications , i just trying to squeezing   my brain  every night (or day ?) “time is relative according with the Poet or Einsten, i just haved feeding my


TO KNOW more and more about all them, to the end  to

only feel the sweet taste of triumph. It is possible TEST (as you test good coffe, god cigarret?), for me its work!

looking to discover and create more and more Extensions to connect  ERPs Software( or kind of Regional Administration Programs like Account , Inventory, Sales, HR,etc ..) , because, to me the real profit when the “man quit the pens and calculator  to pass to the keyboard

when all Business switch to the Technology life.

After   190 Connect Software Programs under my “creation (branded under Mojomexico  ) ”  it is not enough for me, those  plugins(,extensions, hooks, business-app what ever you named it ) represent all  10 years of my dairy work (or pleasantry?) because on any for me was a new challenge, something new to discover, to enjoy… my new creation— it re-live .. re-live !

After that sensations , what else … just the good feel sensation.. that is it.

have you some to say, share here.


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Revisa y corrige y completa del siguiente Objeto las lineas y sentencias con error para poder  consumir de forma correcta los recursos API del Proveedor X MAYORISTA en el cual nos proporciona como medio de acceso-peticion


En cada PETICION HTTP-POST deberás incluir en EL TOKEN-AUTORIZACION en formato JSON previamente EMPACADO con seguridad de 64bits, quedando tu funcion asi dentro de una CLASE (OBJETO) LLAMADO:

class APIMayoristaX {

return function _get_Token_API () {

(incluir function del alogirtmo Hass)($data_arreglo[

"user" => USERKEY,

"paswd" => PASSKEY


public function _get_API_Productos() {

$filto = [

"sku" => valor,

Nombre => valor,

Precio => valor

existencias => valor


$token = _get_Token_API ();

return $this->get_CatalogoAPI_Inventario($token, $filtro);





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